Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Last week the surveyor stakes went into the ground outlining where the berm between our homes and the new road would be.  The inner toe of the berm is approximately four feet from our back property line.  For those of us who have been tending to the space and enjoy using it this is not on the cards.  I took the opportunity of contacting City of Cornwall Engineering to see what options we have.  No decision has been made on how the berm will ultimately look and the City is open to input.

This afternoon (Tuesday, August 25th, 2009) I met with representatives from the City of Cornwall Engineering Department.  We have received a copy of the plan, I hope to have a pdf version posted to the blog in the next few days.  They have also suggested a community meeting on Tuesday, September 1st.  Details will be confirmed shortly.  A number of options are open to us.  I will post details of the options over the next few days.

If you have any comments, please post below.

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