Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Berm is gone!

Good Morning.  The meeting with the City last night was very successful in convincing the City to revamp the design of the land between our homes and the new sidewalk.  Twenty-five people showed up for the meeting, many thanks to everyone who attended, especially the children and young adults.  A number of issues were discussed, a fuller report will be posted here later in the week. 

Briefly, the outcome is that the original berm concept is now history.  A new concept including contouring, trees and shrubs will be developed by the City and will be posted here for review.  Mature trees and the existing shrubbery will be included in the new landscape design. The contouring will be 2 - 3 feet high with a width of probably around 10 feet.  There will be access routes for pedestrian access to the sidewalk. 

Over the next few days I will post further details.  One item of note, the contractors will be piling dirt up along the new sidewalk.  This is not a berm, but a means of storing the dirt to be used for the contouring, so that it stays on the site.

Thank you for everyone's support on this issue.  More details to come shortly.

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